My weekend was great. Friday night I didn't really do anything I cleaned the house because my boys were comin up Saturday from DC.
saturday morning me and the wife went to get my eye brows threaded. we went to Jersey City to buy some shit. After that we went home ate our sandwiches we got at this bangin italian place.
My boys arrive...YESSSS!!! I was searching for a place to go out and came accross....
DIVA LOUNGE, Montclair, NJ
Let me tell you when we arrived there I thought is was going to be ghetto as hell. we got in and it was very classy. I tried to get us a table but all of them were taken. the drinks were official. Dudes were smoken bud in the club I got burned by the guys cigg. Damn that sh!t still hurts. We had a blast...wwwwooooo wwweeee. that was my first time there and it was nice.
now it was time for...
yes the lovely Lookers (strip club) we get there and only had 15minutes until it was gonna close. met a couple girls said hi then bye and left. wwwwoooo wwwweeee .
now time for...
yeessss time to eat now the time was 4 - 4:30am. we ordered our booty burgers and went to the house. Damn those sandwiches were so damn good. one of my boyz called em LUNCHABLES lol. he swore we could make those burgers they were so good yo yumm-O. Great night I loved it. I haven't chilled wit my boys in so long it was great seeing them.
I'm not going into details with the night and what happened because it's late and I need to go to sleep. I wanted to share a little bit of my weekend.
goodnight people.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I had to let this shit out because I'm fuckin mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I'm at work and a customer called from one of our showrooms. when you make an order with us we charge a 25$ surcharge for every order you place that goes on our truck. She didn't understand why and i explained to her that it says in our book that that's our policy. she thinks i charged her twice for 1 fuckin order because she added something to it. she didn't let me explain there were 2 orders that were on the truck for her and that's why she got hit twice.
so she cuts me off and starts to talk to my driver and asks i need to talk to someone nice who do i talk to.. he gave her a name and i said fuck it ill take the charge off for you. With her little sweet and innocent voice " oook thaaaank you ". FUCK YOU you dumb bitch. stay in guys are losers anyways...shouldn't even be considered apart of the tri-state bitches... you all are like this woman too stingy as hell. stay your ass' there and i hope you get butt fucked hard....dislike you very much
I hate people that wont let me explain and SPEAKKK!!!!!!! goodness I'm fuckin mad inside.. sorry people had to let it out... ill continue you later...I'm still at work...
So I'm at work and a customer called from one of our showrooms. when you make an order with us we charge a 25$ surcharge for every order you place that goes on our truck. She didn't understand why and i explained to her that it says in our book that that's our policy. she thinks i charged her twice for 1 fuckin order because she added something to it. she didn't let me explain there were 2 orders that were on the truck for her and that's why she got hit twice.
so she cuts me off and starts to talk to my driver and asks i need to talk to someone nice who do i talk to.. he gave her a name and i said fuck it ill take the charge off for you. With her little sweet and innocent voice " oook thaaaank you ". FUCK YOU you dumb bitch. stay in guys are losers anyways...shouldn't even be considered apart of the tri-state bitches... you all are like this woman too stingy as hell. stay your ass' there and i hope you get butt fucked hard....dislike you very much
I hate people that wont let me explain and SPEAKKK!!!!!!! goodness I'm fuckin mad inside.. sorry people had to let it out... ill continue you later...I'm still at work...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Remy Martin got Jail Time??????
ok what i don't understand is that all these little prissy bitches ( in Cali) and NO I'm not talking about White people. I'm talking about the bitches that suck dick and get away with crime.
Remy got 8 YEARS!!! Shine got 10 YEARS!!! Sean Bell got LIFE!!!
yeah I'm putting all three of these people in the same category because they are minorities and don't deserve this Shit. How is it that a COP wait wait COPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS( police officerSSS) shoot 50 times and were looking to kill...killed an Innocent man get away with Murder???? Stupid fuckin assholes i swear. If i got get away with murder like the cops I'd probably do the same thing. Fuck a cop...not all cops though! i know the good ones that want to be out there because they want to make a difference. Just the dirties of them all.
I love Remy and i will support her 100% and back her up. I'm a huge fan and i don't care what anyone thinks. everyone is entitled to have there own opinion RIGHT??? well here's mine Bitches!
I'm very angry with the government and the top honchos that don't give a fuck about us and just want us to be put away. the law is screwed up and will continue to be fucked up...
Remy got 8 YEARS!!! Shine got 10 YEARS!!! Sean Bell got LIFE!!!
yeah I'm putting all three of these people in the same category because they are minorities and don't deserve this Shit. How is it that a COP wait wait COPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS( police officerSSS) shoot 50 times and were looking to kill...killed an Innocent man get away with Murder???? Stupid fuckin assholes i swear. If i got get away with murder like the cops I'd probably do the same thing. Fuck a cop...not all cops though! i know the good ones that want to be out there because they want to make a difference. Just the dirties of them all.
I love Remy and i will support her 100% and back her up. I'm a huge fan and i don't care what anyone thinks. everyone is entitled to have there own opinion RIGHT??? well here's mine Bitches!
I'm very angry with the government and the top honchos that don't give a fuck about us and just want us to be put away. the law is screwed up and will continue to be fucked up...
8 Years,
Remy Martin,
Sean Bell
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I got to work early this morning and sat in my car thinking about the disasters that happened World Wide.
There were the tornado's that hit the Southern part of the USA then the 7.8 that hit China. What's happening? It's scary as hell to think that all these things are happening around me. You never know if something is going to hit Jersey or the Tri-State area. I feel like the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" is going to happen. No Bull either.
If that shit happens wtf are we going to do? What can we do? Just like China they didn't even know it was going to hit that hard. A lot of people lost their lives and lost a loved one. My prayers go out to them! My job has a factory in China where the earthquake hit. We can't get in contact with them and we are all hoping for the best.
There were the tornado's that hit the Southern part of the USA then the 7.8 that hit China. What's happening? It's scary as hell to think that all these things are happening around me. You never know if something is going to hit Jersey or the Tri-State area. I feel like the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" is going to happen. No Bull either.
If that shit happens wtf are we going to do? What can we do? Just like China they didn't even know it was going to hit that hard. A lot of people lost their lives and lost a loved one. My prayers go out to them! My job has a factory in China where the earthquake hit. We can't get in contact with them and we are all hoping for the best.
Monday, May 12, 2008
GoT MonDaY's?
I do and I did. So this morning I stop'd to get my Chai Latte with soy milk and no water. YuMm-oOoO!
my wife went to the doctors in the city she stayed there all damn day. she paid the meter SIX times and walked 5 blocks. damn you New YaWk MeTER fuckers. easier way of saying im going to rob you for your money and get away with it.
Work was ok did what I had to do. processed orders took the phone calls. we had a meeting it was very successful. everything overall was good...I didn't have a STUPID D.C. BITCH hang up on me. It was cool.
When I got home I took our new puppy out for a walk for the first time. she did good has to get use to the leash. she's so cute!!!!
I made food tonight Quesadillas. I can make some mean quesadillas...wwwoooo lemme tell ya lemme tell ya. my wife and her daughter loved em. I took out my new sneakz and spray'd em with the water proof shit. Yo I got these hot sneakz damn they look good. I bought some levi jeans ...the slim fit that the dudes are wearing now and some hot ass shirts. DAMN son I look fan- FuCkIn- tastiK. anywho that was my boring day hopefully tomorrow will be good.
goodnite you lovely people you. have sweet dreams and lovely sex with your significant other, jump off, bitch, slut, whore, pimp, drive by, boss, sister inlaw, brother inlaw, awwwww fuck it who ever your sex'n it wit.
Kiss , Love, WuNnN
my wife went to the doctors in the city she stayed there all damn day. she paid the meter SIX times and walked 5 blocks. damn you New YaWk MeTER fuckers. easier way of saying im going to rob you for your money and get away with it.
Work was ok did what I had to do. processed orders took the phone calls. we had a meeting it was very successful. everything overall was good...I didn't have a STUPID D.C. BITCH hang up on me. It was cool.
When I got home I took our new puppy out for a walk for the first time. she did good has to get use to the leash. she's so cute!!!!
I made food tonight Quesadillas. I can make some mean quesadillas...wwwoooo lemme tell ya lemme tell ya. my wife and her daughter loved em. I took out my new sneakz and spray'd em with the water proof shit. Yo I got these hot sneakz damn they look good. I bought some levi jeans ...the slim fit that the dudes are wearing now and some hot ass shirts. DAMN son I look fan- FuCkIn- tastiK. anywho that was my boring day hopefully tomorrow will be good.
goodnite you lovely people you. have sweet dreams and lovely sex with your significant other, jump off, bitch, slut, whore, pimp, drive by, boss, sister inlaw, brother inlaw, awwwww fuck it who ever your sex'n it wit.
Kiss , Love, WuNnN
Friday, May 9, 2008
The case of the GAY LANDLORD
Ever had a landlord you hated? a landlord that scared you? a landlord that tried to hustle you? or even a landlord that might be a little to overly Happy??
well my fellow Landlord is a little different. We moved into this new appartment a couple months back. We live on the second floor, he's on the first and underneath him lives his Puerto Rican Mother. His appartment is WAY to clean and he's in his early 30's. My wife and I always thought there was something off about him.
I think he comes into our appartment when we aren't here. You know when you get that feeling something isn't right? Yeah well we feel that. even if we put things in our house a certain way he would know that we put it there. Ever seen the movie " Mr. Brooks ". Yeah well he reminds me of that crazy man.
What pisses me off is that he slams his closet doors and we hear it all the damn time. we even hear his conversations. His floors are all wood so everything in his appartment Echos. HE coughs , sneezes, Sings (yes he sings), laughs & fuckin talks I hear EVERYTHING.
This spanish brawd comes over and I think it might be his coverup jump off. He knows he ain't smashin that ass. Hell naw he's tellin her all about his nigga that he's fuckin or the nice shoes and shirts he saw at the mall. The bitch walks throughout the house with heals. she comes in only at nights by the way!!! she's ghetto as fuck, talks all loud n shit.
anyways I live over a Loud, Gay, Mama's boy, fake jump off havin, puerto rican Landlord. OH! he makes boo koo money too almost 6 figures and he's boring!!
...what does this tell you ?
well my fellow Landlord is a little different. We moved into this new appartment a couple months back. We live on the second floor, he's on the first and underneath him lives his Puerto Rican Mother. His appartment is WAY to clean and he's in his early 30's. My wife and I always thought there was something off about him.
I think he comes into our appartment when we aren't here. You know when you get that feeling something isn't right? Yeah well we feel that. even if we put things in our house a certain way he would know that we put it there. Ever seen the movie " Mr. Brooks ". Yeah well he reminds me of that crazy man.
What pisses me off is that he slams his closet doors and we hear it all the damn time. we even hear his conversations. His floors are all wood so everything in his appartment Echos. HE coughs , sneezes, Sings (yes he sings), laughs & fuckin talks I hear EVERYTHING.
This spanish brawd comes over and I think it might be his coverup jump off. He knows he ain't smashin that ass. Hell naw he's tellin her all about his nigga that he's fuckin or the nice shoes and shirts he saw at the mall. The bitch walks throughout the house with heals. she comes in only at nights by the way!!! she's ghetto as fuck, talks all loud n shit.
anyways I live over a Loud, Gay, Mama's boy, fake jump off havin, puerto rican Landlord. OH! he makes boo koo money too almost 6 figures and he's boring!!
...what does this tell you ?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Phone Call Goes WRONG...
Hello my fellow Readers,
I hope your day went better then mine did. So I did my usual run to Starbucks in the morning. I grab'd my Grande Chai Latte with Soy Milk. Yumm-O-lisious! If you have never tasted this drink, it's a must. My starbucks friend is leaving for 10 days. I don't know what I am going to do. no one makes my drink better then my friend!
Anyways...I get to work around 8am sit and get comfy. I go in early to get my mind set and ready to work that's pretty much everyday .
I get a phone call from a customer that's down in Washington DC. You all are assholes by the way. She gets mad at me because of our policies. she's fuckin C.O.D. we need money before we send the material out you fuckin BITCH. I stay calm and collective while she blabs on about how its not right. I explain to her one more time and she says something under her breath and..........DIAL TONE
the bitch hangs up on me. listen you can scream,hate,curse,flip out,
on me BUT neveeerrrrrrrr HANG UP ON ME!!!! you fuckin BITCH. I would fuck yo ass up if I knew who you were. My immature side has been unleashed.
I put the phone down and say things to myself out of anger. so my coworker gets involved....why??? CoWorker (I'll keep that nick name) is in my business now telling me not to take it personal and to let it go. I get Tight because you shouldn't be in my business SoN.
I bounce to get food. I got a ham sandwich with swiss cheese, lett, tomat, black olives & oil/vina. come back I'm mad chill. I continue on with my day like a normal person would.
I told my cuzz-O about the demon calling my job and hangin up on me. she said blog about it. It makes a great blog. To let it out feels really good. it might seem like nothing but fuck you you stupid SloRE ( Slut . Whore) .
woooo hoooo anyways im watchin this movie and I must finish. im watching The Other Boleyn Girl.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my journey through a Wild'n Out day!
WuN LuV - Holla !
I hope your day went better then mine did. So I did my usual run to Starbucks in the morning. I grab'd my Grande Chai Latte with Soy Milk. Yumm-O-lisious! If you have never tasted this drink, it's a must. My starbucks friend is leaving for 10 days. I don't know what I am going to do. no one makes my drink better then my friend!
Anyways...I get to work around 8am sit and get comfy. I go in early to get my mind set and ready to work that's pretty much everyday .
I get a phone call from a customer that's down in Washington DC. You all are assholes by the way. She gets mad at me because of our policies. she's fuckin C.O.D. we need money before we send the material out you fuckin BITCH. I stay calm and collective while she blabs on about how its not right. I explain to her one more time and she says something under her breath and..........DIAL TONE
the bitch hangs up on me. listen you can scream,hate,curse,flip out,
on me BUT neveeerrrrrrrr HANG UP ON ME!!!! you fuckin BITCH. I would fuck yo ass up if I knew who you were. My immature side has been unleashed.
I put the phone down and say things to myself out of anger. so my coworker gets involved....why??? CoWorker (I'll keep that nick name) is in my business now telling me not to take it personal and to let it go. I get Tight because you shouldn't be in my business SoN.
I bounce to get food. I got a ham sandwich with swiss cheese, lett, tomat, black olives & oil/vina. come back I'm mad chill. I continue on with my day like a normal person would.
I told my cuzz-O about the demon calling my job and hangin up on me. she said blog about it. It makes a great blog. To let it out feels really good. it might seem like nothing but fuck you you stupid SloRE ( Slut . Whore) .
woooo hoooo anyways im watchin this movie and I must finish. im watching The Other Boleyn Girl.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my journey through a Wild'n Out day!
WuN LuV - Holla !
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My First Weekend Alone
Holy Shit,
I had my first weekend alone since November 2005. I went to visit my parents in Maryland. Could you imagine? Living with your partner and not going out without them in 2 years??? Crazy??? Not to me i got so use to it i see it as nothing. Sad, but true.
I originally moved to jersey to be with my partner. What a move and I wasn't even 21 yet!
Anyways I don't want to get sidetracked. So i went out to D.C. with my boys to this club called "ibiza". Off of New York Ave downtown. It's suppose to be a hot club now besides " Love". We got a table...yeah we have BIG MONEY. Our server was this white brawd, she was on point with us gettin' the bottles of henney, vodka, Moet. Like my boy said...that night was sponsored by Moet & lots of Cash.
There was a total of 5 of us, it was almost the end of the night and one dude (which i did NOT know) slipped by without paying is fucking share. that pissed me off i hate bogus ass people. if you not gonna pay stay the fuck home Bitch. i was tore up and met some really nice people. UGLY people by the way.
You Maryland fucks are ugly. learn to take care of yourself!!!!!! i know I'm from there but damn when i lived there i kept it natural the white tee and jeans and the uptowns. kept the hair tight and i was lookin' great. The Morena's YUCK...they wore sun dress' into the club WHAT?????????????
so Friday night was great i love my homies they are always there for me and know how to throw down B.
NOW Saturday.
- My cuzz-O drove me around with Too- Tall and we grabbed some Apple bee's. They have some bangin' bbq wings. Afterwards we dropped my cuzz-O's son off at his grandmothers house and we were OUT!
apparently his grandmothers husband is a Doctor and we explained to him that my cuzz-O's dog his this ear thing going on. He gave us HUMAN.....HUMAN antibiotics. we got to her house and gave the dog the medz. Oh lawd the dogs face blew up like a balloon. So we rushed over to the hospital. talk about scary sh!t. the doctor came out and tried to Hustle us for 500 dollars???? whatttt??? I talked to him with the Jersey attitude and got him to lower the shit to 300 dollars...gotta put these assholes on place.
We left the night with a BANG. went to a strip joint and it was STUPID DISGUSTING... Yuck- AY! bitches on dudes let'n em fuck em and touch em and lick em and squeeze em. Lawd have mer- SAY! i could not believe my eyes. by the way the bitches were UGLY again. I would love to tell you more but it was a little to much.
my weekend alone was great. reminded me of the old days with my peoples and how we use to roll
I had my first weekend alone since November 2005. I went to visit my parents in Maryland. Could you imagine? Living with your partner and not going out without them in 2 years??? Crazy??? Not to me i got so use to it i see it as nothing. Sad, but true.
I originally moved to jersey to be with my partner. What a move and I wasn't even 21 yet!
Anyways I don't want to get sidetracked. So i went out to D.C. with my boys to this club called "ibiza". Off of New York Ave downtown. It's suppose to be a hot club now besides " Love". We got a table...yeah we have BIG MONEY. Our server was this white brawd, she was on point with us gettin' the bottles of henney, vodka, Moet. Like my boy said...that night was sponsored by Moet & lots of Cash.
There was a total of 5 of us, it was almost the end of the night and one dude (which i did NOT know) slipped by without paying is fucking share. that pissed me off i hate bogus ass people. if you not gonna pay stay the fuck home Bitch. i was tore up and met some really nice people. UGLY people by the way.
You Maryland fucks are ugly. learn to take care of yourself!!!!!! i know I'm from there but damn when i lived there i kept it natural the white tee and jeans and the uptowns. kept the hair tight and i was lookin' great. The Morena's YUCK...they wore sun dress' into the club WHAT?????????????
so Friday night was great i love my homies they are always there for me and know how to throw down B.
NOW Saturday.
- My cuzz-O drove me around with Too- Tall and we grabbed some Apple bee's. They have some bangin' bbq wings. Afterwards we dropped my cuzz-O's son off at his grandmothers house and we were OUT!
apparently his grandmothers husband is a Doctor and we explained to him that my cuzz-O's dog his this ear thing going on. He gave us HUMAN.....HUMAN antibiotics. we got to her house and gave the dog the medz. Oh lawd the dogs face blew up like a balloon. So we rushed over to the hospital. talk about scary sh!t. the doctor came out and tried to Hustle us for 500 dollars???? whatttt??? I talked to him with the Jersey attitude and got him to lower the shit to 300 dollars...gotta put these assholes on place.
We left the night with a BANG. went to a strip joint and it was STUPID DISGUSTING... Yuck- AY! bitches on dudes let'n em fuck em and touch em and lick em and squeeze em. Lawd have mer- SAY! i could not believe my eyes. by the way the bitches were UGLY again. I would love to tell you more but it was a little to much.
my weekend alone was great. reminded me of the old days with my peoples and how we use to roll
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